Effective Cancer Treatments with Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture

The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approach is a perfect complement to Western treatment. Western medicine has a micro approach, focusing inward on the fine details on cancer cells; TCM has a macro approach, focusing on the whole person, and outwards to her environment, and seeks to sustain her on the journey through cancer and beyond. It attempts to strengthen the body and to nurture the mind, giving renewed vitality and hope. The combination of Western and Chinese medicine is currently known as the Gold Standard of cancer treatment that greatly promotes the rate of cure.


TCM offers a detailed and profound understanding of the human person, and what makes us well. The human person is a complex entity, composed of many inter-related strands. The person is intimately connected to his surroundings. Disease is not usually caused by one thing only, but by a pattern of factors. This is particularly true to a complex pathology such as cancer. This means that medical intervention must be complex. It is never enough to apply one technique in isolation.

The TCM approach to cancer is to try and use all methods possible to give the patient the best chance of beating the disease, and the best chance of improving quality of life.



For more information, please feel free to call us in Calgary at (403) 282-9522.
