Magic Needles
Acupuncture is perhaps the most familiar element of the practices known as Traditional Chinese Medicine. One way to think of acupuncture is as a reset button for your system.

Unlike drugs, it doesn’t take over your body. It helps to restore its balance. When we insert hair-thin needles at specific points, we can also stimulate the inside of our body. This stimulation, in effect, can cause certain physiological changes in brain activity, nerve impulses, blood chemistry, endocrine functions, blood pressure, heart rate, healing, and immunological responses, to name a few.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the concept that a universal life energy—Qi—is present in every living creature. This energy circulates throughout the body along specific pathways, called Meridians. As long as energy flows freely, health is maintained. If, however, the Qi becomes blocked, the system is disrupted and pain and illness result. Acupuncture works to unblock the pathways by stimulating certain points along the meridians.
Scientifically acupuncture stimulates physical reactions in the body, including changes in brain activity, blood chemistry, endocrine functions, blood pressure, heart rate, and immune system response. Medical research shows that acupuncture rouses the body’s natural healing abilities to regulate red and white blood cell counts, trigger the production of endorphins, improve serotonin secretion in the brain, and control blood pressure, etc. Although our science is still too primitive to fully understand how acupuncture works, these findings begin to explain acupuncture’s ability to affect a wide range of illnesses.
The answer is no. In fact, the needles trigger a very nice calming feeling throughout the body.
You will be treated in a safe, clean, and comfortable environment where privacy and confidentiality are maintained. Our practitioner will take a full medical history, including examination through observation and questioning. All relevant information will be addressed. Results from this evaluation will determine the cause of the problem and the areas to he treated.
Many people worry that acupuncture will be painful, but treatments are practically painless. Acupuncture needles are hair- thin, sterile, stainless steel, disposable, and generally cause no bleeding. They are far different from the hypodermic needles used for injections. You may feel a minor tingling upon insertion, as the needle reaches the correct point under the skin. Sometimes a slight heaviness or numbness is experienced, but these sensations are only momentary. In most cases, the needles can hardly be felt at all; often, patients are unaware that insertion is taking place. Once a client has experienced the first session, he or she usually feels happy with the procedure and comfortable with returning for additional acupuncture treatments.
For more information, please feel free to call us at (403) 282-9522.